Empowering Latina Moms: The Food4Moms Produce Prescription Program

Wholesome Wave, in collaboration with the Hispanic Health Council and the Yale Griffin Prevention Research Center, is proud to introduce the Food4Moms Produce Prescription (PRx) Program in Hartford, CT. This innovative initiative is designed to address the unique needs of women who are Latina, pregnant, and low-income by increasing access to fresh produce, fostering nutritional education, and empowering mothers with choices and dignity. Through a thoughtful co-design process and a commitment to Fidelity, Equity, and Dignity (FED), Food4Moms aims to enhance maternal and infant health, reduce food insecurity, and pave the way for healthier, happier families.

What is the Food4Moms Produce Prescription Program?

The Food4Moms PRx Program is a comprehensive, three-year initiative that provides 150 pregnant Latina women in Hartford, CT, with $100 per month for fresh produce for ten months. This financial support is coupled with nutrition education sessions, recipe demonstrations, and a celebration of Hispanic culinary traditions. The program's mission is twofold: to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables during and after pregnancy and to decrease food insecurity among mothers and infants.

The Key Principles: Fidelity, Equity, and Dignity (FED)

Fidelity to Community: Food4Moms honors its fidelity to the community through a multi-phased approach. Participants are actively engaged through listening sessions, focus groups, and surveys, ensuring their voices shape the program's evolution.

Dignity of Choice: Participants are empowered through choice. They can select their preferred mode of utilizing the $100 monthly prescription: in-store shopping or home delivery. This freedom of choice respects participants' autonomy and ensures that the program is tailored to their individual needs.

Centering on Equity: The program prioritizes equity by compensating participants for their time in focus groups and surveys. All program materials are available in both English and Spanish, and bilingual staff members ensure effective communication and understanding.


Wholesome Wave Achievements & Impact Report for 2023: A Momentous year for Produce Prescriptions (PRx) and Food as Medicine (FAM)


Wholesome Wave awarded USDA grant to launch innovative, equity-centered fruit and vegetable prescription program for pregnant participants in Hartford.